Tomoaki Nakano
The tree which grows only in East or South Asia including Japan is called Urushi Tree (Toxicodendron Vernicifluum), and the vessels which are made with Japanese Urushi have high durability and high quality. Urushi products have been developed over many years. When Urushi lacquer is used the Urushi strengthens the wood and acts as an insulator for hot foods as well as protecting the wood from food making.
Echizen Shikki (lacquerware) has 1500 years of history in Fukui prefecture. A lot of Urushi was obtained so there was many great lacquerware craftsmen born in Echizen Fukui. And on the other hand, now it is also famous for restaurant lacquerware by factory made in Japan.

Basic beauty lackerware artist from Echizen
In Echizen where it is famous for mass producing lacquerware, Tomoaki Nakano takes a different approach to his work, he is more of a lacquerware “artist” making beautiful matte texture items. He was wondering to use non-natural base or wood grain for factory made mass producing, and then he started to own work for making more natural basic Echizen Shikki items.
Usually lacquerware was made with a polishing finish but Echizen Shikki’s characteristic is No polish which directory shows craftsmen's skill from items.
Nakano’s items show beautiful finish from his training by his father who is Echizen Shikki craftsman. His items are also made of a thick layer so you can enjoy mat and kind of soft texture fitting in the hand.